As I fly to England, time for some lessons from Shakespeare!
As I head back to England (with less than 24 hours in Scotland!) for some awesome client work, I want to share some thoughts from an email for a long time friend, coach and trusted adviser - Jonathan Stevens.
Jonathan sent me this email on the 5th June 2015, not long after he returned to the UK from living and working in California.
He shared a few Shakespeare quotes, along with the insight he took from each. I kept it as a powerful in my ‘inspiration file’ ( do you have one by the way? 🤔) and re-read it frequently:
‘Beware my lord of jealousy.’
JS: Relish what you have v fretting about what you don’t.
AF: Jealous is such a negative emotion that often triggers the victim/cynical mindsets (poor me/life’s not fair/so easy for them)
‘Be not afraid of greatness.’
JS: Don’t be intimidated by the competition
AF: Use the greatness in others to fuel your own journey - to raise your standards and expectations so you continue to soar.
‘There are no clocks in the forest.’
JS: Allow yourself to be totally immersed in the present moment. Focus on what you are doing, not what you’re not doing. When it comes to time, indulge in your non urgent/non important quadrant, which can be liberating and neglected due to day to day business.
AF: The power of losing yourself in Mozart time!
‘There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.’
JS: If you approach a situation thinking this is going to be rubbish it will only ever be rubbish. Approach a situation focusing on what may be enjoyable, or what is going to be of value, look for that and you will find it.’
AF: 100%
‘We band of brothers’ (Note: it was the 16th Century!)
JS: be ambitious for each other, celebrate your colleague’s successes.
AF: Let’s all be the wind beneath each other wings!
👉Any other favourite Shakespeare quotes out there?
👉What’s the insight or message behind it?
Side-note: my mum loved the bard, so why did she get mad when I had my ear pierced? 🤔