With the long Easter weekend upon us, why not use the time to take stock of where you are at. Has 2024 started exceptionally well and are you tracking in the direction of your life vision and goals? Are you using time effectively and feeling you have a wonderful balance between all the key components of your life?
Or, do you need to make some changes………..anything from minor tweaks to major overhauls? If this is the case DO this simple and powerful exercise. For those who lead a team, ask everyone to do it! It can lead to significant breakthroughs when people make clear decisions, commit to what they write and then take action!
👉Here goes:
Block out 15 mins to complete the exercise.
Turn off all notifications, put devices on silent and find a quiet space.
Print or draw the action sheet below : Speak to the amazing Apple if you want a copy of the action sheet: appleshaneeva@ripplebtg.com
I recommend you redo the exercise 24 hours later to make sure you are committed to what you have written - redo it as many times as you want.
Stick to ONE thing in each area so you avoid stopping/starting too many things at once. Build the habit and embed the change before you move to an additional stop/start.
In your journal, keep a note of additional areas you want to come back to.
👉Do the following, one section at a time:
👉What is ONE thing you/we should STOP and leave behind from TODAY?
👉Followed by, what is ONE thing you/we should START and take forward from TODAY?
Your life outside work,
🛑 e.g: waking up and immediately scrolling through social media, smoking, watching tv/gaming/netflix for 2 hours a night, complaining about my friends.
✅e.g.: walking 10,000 steps, meditation, playing tennis, cooking dinner as a family every Thursday night, journalling.
Your working life,
🛑e.g. going to meetings that add no value, going into 1:1s unprepared, working at home in front of the children, saying yes to everything and everyone.
✅e.g. reading 10 pages of self-development books a day, committing to Mozart time, time-blocking my diary, introducing a daily mind-cleanse in the morning, not taking my phone into 1:1s, debriefing every key meeting/interaction.
The team you work in,
🛑e.g. having meetings that run over time, having internal meetings on Weds/Thurs, interrupting another team member before 10:30, having meetings with no clear purpose, agenda or action points.
✅e.g. bringing a success of the week to the Friday check-out, sharing one item of best practice at every monthly meeting, sending thank you cards to customers, mentoring one new starter each.
The business you represent (within the business leaders influence)
🛑e.g. daily reporting on x, all internal meetings on Weds/Thurs for customer facing people, sending emails over the weekend, using internal messaging before 10:30 am.
✅ e.g. new starters join on Tuesdays to get a better experience, the Friday 15, celebrating all personal bests, all HO employees spending a day a 1/4 with customers or customer facing teams, having an ASK session each month.
Are you a leader? Imagine you have 50 people in your business. By completing this exercise and asking people to share, you get 100 ideas from your people (50 stop/50 start). Imagine your business adopts 10% of them - 10 ideas to make the business you lead BETTER! Engagement, service, communication, efficiency, performance - I am sure there will be multiple improvements across multiple areas.
👉Let me know your thoughts!
👉Let me know if you want me to run this for your team.
👉Let me know your breakthroughs.
👉Let me know how to improve this exercise!