What do I recommend. Apart from the 1+3+6 process and helping people remove downhill habits, lets ensure we build confidence and belief by focusing on the gains from when we started as opposed to the gap we have left to the goal.
Here is a simple visual with some sample questions to help you apply this to those you are leading, coaching, mentoring or helping as a friend or parent:
I use different language here for what we are going after: a desired future state (you living the life of your dreams, living your ‘why’ with intention and purpose. The approach also perfectly fits you moving in the direction of your potential and going after your SMUUT goals!
It’s #whatwinnersdo
If you need anything more on goals: we have a goals playlist on YouTube, the goals section of The Rocking Chair Test, the 1+3+6 and other action sheets (see RCT landing page) and please attend one of our #whatwinnersdo live events - we do offer these in-company as well as open.