Want to take best advantage of my insights, frameworks and winning habits?
Access my short sharp video #giftbites for you and your team!
Instead of my usual Thursday article, this week I wanted to draw your attention to a heap of available video based content via short, sharp videos on my YouTube. I call them #giftbites as I love to play on GiFT631 as much as you can.
The #giftbites frequently support the articles I write, reinforce much of the content in my book, that I use on stage and in both my 1:1 coaching and workshops.
I am a massive believer that for new learning to really stick you need to see, hear, read and ideally experience it in different ways and at different times. Repeat, repeat, repeat is my message and not just from my content.
For example if you read/listen to a great business or self-development book………read it again……….and again until you have really absorbed and understood the key concepts.
👉Anyway, back to the YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/AndyFellGiFT631
There is a ton of free content, ideal for micro learning, to support you AND potentially more importantly, those in your team/business or even family group who are passionate to learn and keep to develop. I know people who share them at team huddles or stand-ups, use them as part of talent programmes or to help embed conversations. It’s all there for you!
👉My one request: please subscribe and encourage all on your team to do the same. We have so much additional content ‘hitting the screens’ this year alone!
My belief is simple. People frequently tell me time is the challenge when it comes to development. Imagine if your rising stars/new starters/those needing to boost their confidence and self-esteem, spent JUST 5 MINUTES a week to watch 2/3 #giftbites, with another 5 minutes to journal on their observations and reflections, where would that person be after 12 months?
Let’s finish by sharing a few different examples to wet your appetite:
My purpose ( a good place to start):
Some good old fashioned flip chart examples:
There are some longer team/business processes in this format.
Some guest appearances:
Even some on the beach:
There is also plenty of live content from #whatwinnersdo events):